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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Meet Fiona

This is Fiona.  Fiona is one of two goats we have here at the Christensen Science Center.  She is just over four years old and has lived most of her life as part of the Science Center family.  She was donated to the science center at a very young age and has become one of the favorites of the Center.

Fiona is an American Lamancha goat.  Lamancha goats are normally bred as dairy goats because they have such rich butter fat in their milk.  One characteristic of the breed is the small elfin-size ears.

Another common characteristic of these goats is their friendly nature and eagerness to be in the middle of it all. Fiona is no exception.  Right from the beginning, Fiona was inquisitive by nature.  She rushes forward to peer at every guest, investigate every noise, and she even tries to find her way out of her enclosure at every opportunity!

But what endears Fiona to visitors and caretakers alike is her sweet disposition and pet-like nature.

If you haven't been by lately to visit,  stop by soon; Fiona misses you.